The Memory of Water is a triptych for the City of Grand Rapids. It was our intention to return the “rapids” back to the center of town.

“What would the water remember?” we ask. “A time before man.”

The idea takes shape with pen and paper.

The Memory of Water: The Time Before
10’ (L) x 10’ (W) x 5’(H)

Memory of Water: Rain Becomes
6’ (W) x 6’ (L) x 10’ (H)

The Memory of Water: Ultramarinus
10’ (W) x 42’ (L) x 8’(H)

Site Visit to Revisit Design

Quarry Visit to Inspect Options

Translating models into reality
One of 54 technical drawings needed to determine the radius of each bend in the waves.

Map Image to be Etched

Wave Patterns For Reposée

Add Fire

Each Piece Must Be Heated (Annealing)

Each Piece Is Shaped

Rain on the "Waves"

Tea Break

25 Bars Waiting to Recieve Multiple Bends

Waiting for bars...

Bent bars floating on gantry

The last of the bars secured

Heaney the Sculptor's Dog on stand by.

Zen of the Waves

Patination of the bronze (detail).

Community Engagement
Teaching Umha Aois (Ancient Bronze Age)

On the bellows
Teaching the next generation forgotten arts

Glow of bronze

Berkley, the Field (Springer) assistant

The last of three sculptures.
It’s the length of 3 cars.

Sculpture frame is constructed, then cut
then loaded onto two flatbeds.

Memory of Water: Rain Becomes
10’ (W) x 10’ (L) x 6’ (H)

The Memory of Water: The Time Before
10’ (L) x 10’ (W) x 5’(H)

The Memory of Water: Ultramarinus
10’ (W) x 42’ (L) x 8’(H)