Better Angels (Let us Appeal to Our)
An installation of 4,000 spinning wings, honoring President Lincoln’s call for unification.

Summer 2020
Landmark Center Plaza , St. Paul. MN

900 pinwheels arrived today
2500 more on their way.

COVID-19 & Riots
The crafting of 4,000 wings alone in the studio.

Not completely alone
Miss Berkley, the studio assistant, supervises.

Preparing for more rioting
and wishing for unity

The work continues
Each wing is made by hand, with hope.

The frame is built
With the help of Ramsey County’s Project Remand volunteers.

Installation Begins
With the help of Landmark Center staff

Bit by bit
Better Angels takes shape.

Passing Bride
Strikes a pose for us

Her Bridesmaids
It’s the first wedding we’ve seen since COVID.

Back to work

The sign

Every piece is locked in place
14 H x 10 W x 40 L and redesigned for a pandemic with lots of space between rows to allow for optimal fresh air.

Mr. Milligan
Strikes a pose.

Joy in the heart of the City.

Playfulness ensues

“Peace,” she shouts.