15’ (H) x 12’ (W) 6’ (D). Glass and steel for the city of Monticello, MN.

Celebrating community.
There will be a series of diverse fish/waves will be set in a sculpture of reeds that is 15’ overhead.
The river runs along the park
The Gathering will fill this space with light and color.
Two foot long and a mix of aquatic colours.
Color is added to the model, which is now to scale.
Each glass piece will be able to be read as fish or waves, depending on the viewer.
Glass fabrication on this scale takes weeks.
They cool slowly. Seem dreamlike.
Steel is in short supply because of COVID…but we found the last “sticks” in the metal yard.
Alex and Mr. Milligan are joined by staff from Linder’s Speciality our fabricators.
Our test piece in the garden.
Our newest staff member shooting hoops with us at lunch.
500 pounds in a tiny package
works wonders
Supervises at the gate
To protect the glass
Treats served on Milligan Studio glass.
The fish on light boards
Will pop with the sun behind it.
The staff begins.

After the grid is drawn, Milligan and Mohamed arrange the steel “sticks”
Support and glass fish placeholders
There’s an order to the welding
15 ft. above the studio, welding could only take place on sunny days.
Mohamed and Milligan making “Gathering” shine.
is complete. Glass to be added onsite.
Community at work. Everyone lends a hand.
The Parks Department joins us for the install.
“It was a pleasure working with you. The piece is absolutely gorgeous.” Sue Seeger, Monticello Arts Initiative.